Selasa, 01 Mei 2012
Senin, 30 April 2012
Tricking is an of breathtaking arts that requires
Ap itu Tricking"!!??
Tricking (singkat untuk martial arts tricking) adalah nama informal, yang jenis aktivitas fisik berasal dari seni bela diri yang mencakup teknik yang ditemukan dalam senam, B-boying, dan beberapa beladiri yang ada. Contoh teknik tendangan dari Taekwondo 540, twist kupu-kupu dari Wushu, dan "double leg" dari Capoeira. Olahraga ini bertujuan untuk menciptakan [1] "campuran estetika Flip(salto),kick (tendangan), dan twist (,putaran)." Tricking lebih ke arah ekspresi dan eksplorasi. Seorang yang terlibat dan melakukan "tricking" biasanya disebut sebagai Trickster( "penipu")atau "tricker" :-)
- History""
Suatu kecenderungan untuk menunjukkan teknik yang lebih mencolok dan kompleks diamati dalam seni bela diri selama periode setelah tahun 1960-an, mendahului "menipu" saat gerakan. Terutama di taekwondo, penekanan pada peningkatan spektakuler berputar, melompat atau terbang tendangan dikembangkan selama pertengahan 1960-an dengan diperkenalkannya kompetisi internasional. [2] NASKA (Amerika Utara Olahraga Karate Association) sekarang memegang Buka Kreatif dan Open Xtreme divisi. Buka Kreatif tidak termasuk teknik terbalik dan tendangan berputar dengan rotasi lebih besar dari 360 derajat, sedangkan divisi Xtreme reseptif untuk hampir setiap teknik. "Menipu" yang tepat adalah sebuah fenomena internet, muncul di awal 2000-an. Pada akhir 2003, komunitas menipu online berkembang dengan baik, membawa trickers dari seluruh dunia bersama-sama. Dengan munculnya YouTube, trickers mampu berbagi video mereka dengan orang lain dan dunia menipu mengalami peningkatan besar dalam popularitas dan kepentingan [rujukan?]. Juga Youtube telah menunjukkan trickers muda trik baru dan melanggar trik turun untuk mereka. Sejak awal tahun 2008, menipu telah menerima banyak publisitas yang lebih luas dan popularitas di kalangan non-menipu kalangan karena upaya tim menipu populer seperti Loopkicks, Tim FS, Unito, Disastrickz, Flipmonk Sqaud, Angkatan Furious dan Ninja New Age (NAN).
""source of :
- Tricking - the act of executing martial arts inspired kicks and flips with your friends for the sheer sake of seeing what's possible.. Only a tricker knows what tricking really is. One must experience tricking to fully understand the concept of the sport. If you trick, you belong here. Enough said.
- Selasa jam 4 UNY (B13)
- Rabu jam 4 UNY (B13)
- Jumat jam 4 UNY (B13)
- Sabtu jam 4 di Gym UNY (B 13 ,B15) Class
Buat jaga2 aja soalnya latian mulai jam 5 karena nongkrong dulu liat Ibu2 pada latian Nge gym sambil menanti jam latian ,hahahaha.............
About's SKYWALKERS Tricking
Skywalkers merupakan sebuah komunitas Tricking pertama di Jogja.Yang terbentuk sejak 1 April 2011. di gagas oleh Wahyu, Lupis, Philip, Janu, Dedut, Dian dan Nobi. sebutan komunitas yang pertama kali di gagas adalah "Tricking Crew" lalu diganti dengan Skywalkers. yang lebih di kenal dengan sebutan" Skywalkers Army..
Tricking adalah kombinasi martial arts(ilmu beladiri)), gymnastic(Senam akrobati /senam lantai) serta breakdance. Tricking termaksud tergolong baru di Indonesia, namun di luar negeri tricking sudah dikenal cukup luas dan menjadi alternatif sport bagi pemuda pemudi setempat. Gerakan dari tricking adalah Combinasi tendangan(Kick), (Salto) flip, dan juga (Putaran) twist yang di kombinasi yang di sebut combo. Dan biasa di bawakan oleh trickers (sebutan untuk pelaku tricking) dengan trick-trick yang lain.
Skywalkers dalam perkembangan ini, telah memiliki sekitar 20 orang anggota inti yangterus bertambah.
Untuk lebih mengenal kami,Silahkan berkunjung ke fanpage facebook Skywalkers Tricking Community , dan untuk melihat info video-video trick kami bisa kunjungi Url Link kami di .
CP:(+628996643171) (+6282117960525)
Latihan Tanpa di pungut biaya..!!!
Sabtu, 21 April 2012
Opening Words
This article is about “Martial Arts Tricking”. It tries to demystify the complexity of Tricking and also focuses on some of the basic essentials of Tricking. It was written by Sesshoumaru, one of the best out there! Till the age of 14 he was raised in Japan and studied Martial Arts from a very young age on. He became a Tricking legend because of his extremely difficult combinations and his unique style.
Originally he wrote 3 continuous articles, but he didn’t have the possibilities to share them the way it deserves. Sessh put a lot of work into creating this masterpiece Tricking “bible” to help interested people and other Trickers all over the world to learn more about this young sport.
Sesshoumaru also was a “Special Guest” at the big Loopkicks Camp event which took place in San Jose / California. He is featured on the official Loopkicks DVD. If you want to see him in action then I would recommend to check out the promotional video for the DVD on The 2nd Disc of the Loopkicks DVD holds 20 Video Tutorials (How2s) of the following Tricks: pop 360 | 540 | Aerial | Au-Batido | Backflip | Backhandspring | B-Twist | Raiz | Basic Kicking | Basic Handtechniques | Cheat 720 | Cheat 900 | Doubleleg | Fulltwist | Gainer Variations | Webster | Corkscrew | reverse Webster | Sideswipe | Jacknife It is a well considered list of tricks that includes all body movements needed in Tricking to go on to variations and more difficult tricks. Also check out for the Martial Arts Tricking Community and more Tricking Videos! Best wishes and fun while reading, Tong-Len
Tricking 101: Putting It All In Perspective…
The main objective of tricking is to perform a visually impressive display of movements (derived from various "hard" & "soft" styles of martial arts,
gymnastics, capoeira, and breakdancing elements), to entertain a 3rd party by way of artistic impression.
Since the creator is "humanity" and the driving force is "artistic impression", then tricking as "a system of uniform movements" will obviously be flawed. This
is because as living entities, humans are flawed...and since given dominion over the world, mankind finds no fault in what it does. Blatantly speaking (in terms
of tricking), we tend to believe that any deviation from a standard trick results in the creation of a "new" trick. This methodology results in a whole onslaught of
tricks being taken out context, and not appreciated/recognized properly.
…this brings me to the topic of this post. Below I will attempt to breakdown "recognized" tricks, and fully categorize them by various attributes…but first…
In order to further our standing in tricking, or life for that matter, we must understand the purpose of life. As artists we express ourselves constantly. Through
the way we walk, to the way we talk…and at the end of the day, when it’s all over, we hope that we’ll be remembered. A “legacy” is what it’s called, and by all
means I intend to leave one behind, and I hope that you do to. It doesn’t have to be associated with tricking, it could be anything. Just make sure that it
reaches those who need it, and maybe it’ll better their situation in life. Tricking is unique in the way it motivates people to push themselves over their limits.
When given an opportunity, few will try to get by on the tricks that are “easy” for them to do. This is admiration to astonish in it’s purest form. You may call it
“showing off”, but what type of a man would you be if you didn’t take risks? It’s human nature to brave notions such as: cause & effect, success or failure,
reward or consequence, etc. The important thing is that you learn and understand the “risk/payoff ratio”. Low-risk = low-payoff, high-risk = high payoff. Only a
coward wouldn’t try to extend himself to be in a position to bask in glory.
When I choose to try a combo, let’s say:
Butterfly Twist --> Snapuswipe --> Doubleleg --> MissLeg Hook --> SwingThru Gumbi --> SwingThru Boxcutter
I don’t want to do it because it’s easy…I want to do it because it’s hard. It’s not “showing off”, it’s just me trying to be the best I can, if I can. That’s what
martial arts are about, and that’s what tricking should produce. Sharp minds who want to give everything in life 100%, but before we do that we gotta learn
the fundamentals of the game. Figure out the many components of life, and understand how they play a role in everything we do. That’s the only way we’re
gonna have the knowledge to advance our standing…the basics, in tricking and life.
Here it is…the answers! In tricking, every problem you can solve begins here! Punches will one day be considered, but kicks are the primary agent used in
martial arts tricking as of lately. Below is a list of basic kicks and movements you’re gonna wanna be familiar with before you try the actual tricks… front kick, round/roundhouse kick, side kick, hook kick, inside/outside crescent kick, reverse -side kick, reverse-hook kick, reverse-roundhouse kick, spin -
outside crescent kick, sweep/back sweep, front sweep, jump front kick, jump side kick, jump hook kick, jump split kick, flying side kick, flying split scissor kick,
and tornado kick.
…also, check out these Capoeira basics as well: Ginga, Negativa, Meia Lua de Frente, Meia Lua de Compasso, Queixada, Armada, and Au/Cartwheel.
The basics are pretty much the combat applicable techniques found within tricking. It is important to be familiar with them, because it’s the only part of
tricking that essentially has meaning. If the basics aren’t stressed and enforced then tricking will lack “substance”, and quickly produce images of people
spinning and twisting through the air “aimlessly”. As practicioners, we don’t want that…tricking should be far from being an “empty” art-form.
pengenalan : TRICKING dalam bahasa indonesia berarti = Menipu (singkatan dari "seni bela diri menipu") adalah nama informal bawah tanah alternatif gerakan baru olahraga relatif, menggabungkan seni bela diri , senam , dan kegiatan lainnya untuk menciptakan sebuah "estetika campuran flips, tendangan, dan liku." menipu menggabungkan berbagai bergerak dari seni yang berbeda seperti membalik dari senam , 540 tendangan dari Taekwondo , twist kupu-kupu dari Wushu dan kaki ganda dari Capoeira . Mengelabui yang dikenali oleh kompleks mencolok tendangan, flips dan tikungan, dan gerakan yang sangat bergaya yang terpisah dari seni lainnya. Seorang individu yang praktek menipu biasanya disebut sebagai "penipu" atau "Tricker".
Tricking (oder Martial Arts Tricking) ist eine junge Sportart die in den 1990er Jahren in den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika entstanden ist. Tricking ist aus verschieden Kampfsportarten wie Capoeira, Karate, Taekwondo und Kung-Fu aber auch aus Breakdance und Gymnastik entstanden.
Selasa, 17 April 2012
Open Gym Locator
Open Gym Locator
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This search tool, when used correctly will locate facilities that host “open gym” for training purposes that are available to the public. We strongly suggest that before you attend an open gym located through our gym finder, that you call the gym to verify the time, cost, location, day, and duration of the event. If you know of an open gym near you that is not displayed in your local search results and you would like to add to our database, please use our open gym submission tool.
• The less you fill out, the more results your query will provide. (i.e. select your state and leave all other fields empty.
• If you know the name of a gym, but do not know the location, select your state and fill in the gym name fields only.
• If you cannot find an open gym in your state, there is a reason. This being, no user or admin has submitted information for gyms in your state. Chances are there is a gym near you!
• If you would like to add an open gym please use our open gym submission tool.
• The less you fill out, the more results your query will provide. (i.e. select your state and leave all other fields empty.
• If you know the name of a gym, but do not know the location, select your state and fill in the gym name fields only.
• If you cannot find an open gym in your state, there is a reason. This being, no user or admin has submitted information for gyms in your state. Chances are there is a gym near you!
• If you would like to add an open gym please use our open gym submission tool.
Trick Tutorials
Trick Tutorials
By viewing this site you agree that the creator of this site, the ISP, or any affiliated entity are not responsible for the way you use the material (content) which is provided. By entering this site, you agree that you have thoroughly read the Terms and Conditions and our Privacy policy. All rights are reserved by TrickSession and may not be used without permission of the author(s).
This web site, its owners, authors and webmasters do not take any responsibility for your safety. We strongly recommended that you train with qualified gymnastics and/or martial instructors. Consult your doctor before participating in any physical activity or before attempting any move found on this site.
This web site, its owners, authors and webmasters do not take any responsibility for your safety. We strongly recommended that you train with qualified gymnastics and/or martial instructors. Consult your doctor before participating in any physical activity or before attempting any move found on this site.
Our Martial Arts Trick Tutorials have been sorted into four categories. The tutorials are written by TrickSession administrators or registered TrickSession users. It is probable that you will see more than one tutorial for each trick. yay!
Intermediate Tricks 1 tutorials
b Rank
Harder tricks and variations in style and technique on simpler moves. Learn, combine, and unleash some of these to start building your reputation!
Advanced Tricks 0 tutorials
C & D Rank
These tricks require the 3 P’s: practice, pain killers, and probably falling a lot. These tricks will introduce enough extra spins and kicks onto your basics to make them killers. With great power comes... broken ankles? Be Safe!
Stretches 7 tutorials The most important aspect of tricking found in one place. Here.
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