Trick Tutorials
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This web site, its owners, authors and webmasters do not take any responsibility for your safety. We strongly recommended that you train with qualified gymnastics and/or martial instructors. Consult your doctor before participating in any physical activity or before attempting any move found on this site.
Our Martial Arts Trick Tutorials have been sorted into four categories. The tutorials are written by TrickSession administrators or registered TrickSession users. It is probable that you will see more than one tutorial for each trick. yay!
Beginners Tricks 7 tutorials
a Rank
Just beginning, or maybe relearning the basics, you’re in the right category. Let’s take note of the fact that beginner isn’t the same as nooby. The beginner moves are foundational moves that ideally every trickster should master before attempting more arduous.
Intermediate Tricks 1 tutorials
b Rank
Harder tricks and variations in style and technique on simpler moves. Learn, combine, and unleash some of these to start building your reputation!
Advanced Tricks 0 tutorials
C & D Rank
These tricks require the 3 P’s: practice, pain killers, and probably falling a lot. These tricks will introduce enough extra spins and kicks onto your basics to make them killers. With great power comes... broken ankles? Be Safe!
Stretches 7 tutorials The most important aspect of tricking found in one place. Here.
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